Episode 103 - January 9, 2019

Guests - Don West, Trevor Casterlin, Scott McCauley

What a fun show, reminiscing on memories of games, teams, and experiences throughout the decades of covering sports. Don West, Scott McCauley, and Trevor Casterlin showed that they are definitely used to on air chemistry together and had a lot of fun talking about their past broadcasts. We thank these gentlemen for their dedication and energy in covering local high school and college sports.

Episode 102 - January 2, 2019

Guests - Mikayla Pilley, Collin Clark, Allie Burnett, Tommy Burnett

In this episode, we went straight to the source. We have talked about youth sports and if we are doing it right, but never actually asked any youth athletes! Well, that is not that case anymore! Tonight we had a wonderful panel of insightful and interesting youth athletes, Tommy and Allie Burnett, Collin Clark, and Mikayla Pilley, did a wonderful job of telling us what they expect from coaches, parents, and spectators for a positive experience in youth sports. Awesome job, panel!

Episode 101 - December 26, 2018

Guests - Chuck Hepola, Kelsey Keizer, Caira Dortch

In this episode, we study a vital variable in successful coaching and that is the art of scouting your opponents. All of the hours of film, the thousands of variables observed and documented and compiling all of it for the ultimate game plan that gives your team the advantage. Coach Chuck Hepola from Evangel University football, Coach Caira Dortch from Southwest Baptist University Volleyball, and Coach Kelsey Keizer from Southwest Baptist University Women’s Basketball give us a small peak into their scouting style and routines. These college coaches, known for their diligent preparation, shared valuable tips on scouting and how they utilize it as a part of their success.

Episode 100 - December 19, 2018

Guests - Marty Marsh, Robert Vestal, and Willie Russell

In this episode, we preview the traditional holiday tournaments in the southwest Missouri area. The Pink and White Lady Classic has a terrific field this year and Tournament Coordinator Marty Marsh gave an excellent preview of this historic girls tournament. Robert Vestal, local basketball historian, helped us preview the Blue and Gold and gave us a top ten of fun facts about the Blue and Gold. At Parkview, the Kinloch Wrestling Tournament will be in full swing and Coach Willie Russell previewed it for us.

Episode 99 - December 12, 2018

Guests - Bryan Tucker

My gratitude to BSN Representative Bryan Tucker for talking with us tonight about sports equipment and gear, plus (bonus!) bringing in trivia questions and giving away some very cool stuff! He also talked about what it was like to be a sports parent at the high school and college level with his talented sons and offered some valuable advice. Great show because of a great guest!

Episode 95 - November 14, 2018

Guests - SASHOF Board Members

Tonight we hosted a room full of sports contributors. The Springfield Area Sports Hall of Fame Board of Directors met and then stayed for the show which was on location at Coach Terry Allen’s own Ebbett’s Field. We had several there that joined us on air to answer questions and play Head’s Up, sports style. Art Hains (who was crowned champion of the games), Corey Riggs, Don West, Tom Mast, Ray Meyer, Bill Rowe, Mark Stillwell, and Tim Blasi all braved the airways while Lynne Miller, Don Keaton, Ned Reynolds, Becky Oakes, and Ron Snodgrass cheered them on. It was a successful night and I appreciated the good sports!

Episode 94 - November 7, 2018

Guests - James Reynolds, Holly Hesse, Jordan Fife

Thank you to all that sent in questions for our college coaches panel. Our panel did an excellent job contributing to the questions. Missouri State Softball coach Holly Hesse, Missouri State Track and Field coach Jordan Fife, and Drury University Wrestling coach James Reynolds gave some excellent insight and advice. Listen to it right here on Apple iTunes Podcast.

Episode 93 - October 31, 2018

Co-Host - Art Hains

Wow! The listeners of this show know their sports! Thank you to everyone that called in on our Halloween trivia show. Impressive listeners! Thank you to my gracious co-host, Art Hains for sticking around after his show and helping out. Also, gratitude to my generous sponsors for providing the prizes, Great Southern Bank, Hiland Dairy, and Rib Crib. Thank you, also, to Missouri State University and Drury University Athletic Departments for donating the tickets. We appreciate your contributions, we couldn’t do it without you! Also, a gigantic shout out to my wonderful and talented producer, Duane Darr. He did an amazing job multi-tasking and making this show happen. Sports trivia - gotta love it!

Episode 91 - October 17, 2018

Guests - Bill Gunn, John Hartley, Jenny Perryman

Ever have a question for a high school coach? Curious how they select their teams, the levels, or communicate their expectations? We are answering them! First of all, THANK YOU, to all of the questions that were sent in. We did not get to all of them so we are going to have our panel back next week and continue answer your questions. If you have one, send it in to acoachsperspective@gmail.com. Our thanks to our panel: Coach Bill Gunn, Coach Jenny Perryman, and Coach John Hartley.

Episode 90 - October 10, 2018

Guest - Carmelita Jetter

Olympic Champion Carmelita Jetter joined us for this episode and shared her experience as a professional Track and Field Super Star. She gave energetic and inspiring insight into her career and her transition into coaching and how she will bring her unique style to Missouri State University as their new assistant coach. She describes going from her first track practice in high tops to standing on the biggest stage in sports (the Olympic podium) to coaching and mentoring her student-athletes. Her inner courage through her sports journey is inspiring,

Episod 88 - September 26, 2018

Guests - Lisa Tinkler, Caleb Cole, and Ethan Bryan

In this episode we chat with Lisa Tinkler and Caleb Cole about their new youth training facility in Springfield, RedLine Athletics. Individual and team training are available and their facility has a new, fresh flavor on how to train athletes from ages 8-18. Check them out at www.redlineathletics.com

My other guest fascinates me! He has been on quite a journey this year. We welcomed back to the show, talented author Ethan Bryan. You may remember him on our Superfan show where he represented the Kansas City Royals. Baseball is a huge passion for Ethan and on New Year’s Day he decided to play catch with his daughter and that game of catch developed into playing catch with a variety of people every day for 365 days. He spoke with us about the friendships that have evolved and the travels that his endeavor has produced. What a cool ride! We appreciated his story and sharing it with us. Oh…and yes, I am now on his list! We played catch before the show and during the show! Best of luck to him as he closes the year out.

Episode 87 - September 19, 2018

Guests - Joe Namath, Tommy Burnett

In this episode, we catch up with former NFL quarterback, Super Bowl Champion, Super Bowl MVP, and Chairman of the of his own foundation, Joe Namath. We talk about his time at Alabama winning a national championship and playing for Bear Bryant, his time as a Super Bowl Champion with the New Jets, and what he is doing now to help the youth of our society and neurological research. Former teammate Tommy Burnett joins us to introduce him and talk about what kind of leader and teammate Joe Namath was during that time.

Episode 86 - September 12, 2018

Guests - Mike Keltner, Roy Green, Cathy Reynolds, Nyla Milleson

In this episode, we recognize the induction class of 2018 for the Springfield Area Sports Hall of Fame. We caught up with Coach Nyla Milleson, Coach Roy Green, Coach Mike Keltner, and Cathy Reynolds about their accomplishments and the impact they have had in the world of sports. Manny Oliver will also be inducted. My thanks to these accomplished individuals for spending some time with us, they were very entertaining!

Episode 84 - August 22, 2018

Guests - Lucas Harrell and Maty Mauk

In this episode, former Major League Baseball player Lucas Harrell joins us again to talk about the lifestyle of a professional athlete and how athletes deal with the pressures they face.  Also, joining us in the conversation was former University of Missouri Quarterback and current assistant coach at Glendale High School, Maty Mauk.  Both gentlemen shared their experiences, highs and lows, and how those experiences have shaped them into the young men they are today.