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Ethan Bryan, Caleb Cole, Lisa Tinkler

Ethan Bryan, Caleb Cole, Lisa Tinkler

In this episode we chat with Lisa Tinkler and Caleb Cole about their new youth training facility in Springfield, RedLine Athletics. Individual and team training are available and their facility has a new, fresh flavor on how to train athletes from ages 8-18. Check them out at www.redlineathletics.com

My other guest fascinates me! He has been on quite a journey this year. We welcomed back to the show, talented author Ethan Bryan. You may remember him on our Superfan show where he represented the Kansas City Royals. Baseball is a huge passion for Ethan and on New Year’s Day he decided to play catch with his daughter and that game of catch developed into playing catch with a variety of people every day for 365 days. He spoke with us about the friendships that have evolved and the travels that his endeavor has produced. What a cool ride! We appreciated his story and sharing it with us. Oh…and yes, I am now on his list! We played catch before the show and during the show! Best of luck to him as he closes the year out.

Next week we are going to explore several topics that coaches are facing nation wide…it may get deep….so be ready! Wednesday’s 6:00-7:00pm on JOCK 98.7FM.