Power Panel: Social Change Through Coaching

We welcome a power panel as we talk about the influence coaches have to advocate for growth in their players global view and cultural awareness. We welcome Reggie Morris, Grandview (KC), Tony Irons, Vashon (STL), Justin Gerald, Hillcrest (SGF), Julia Wells, Drury University (SGF), Major Tad Peters, Springfield Police Department, Landon Cornish, Parkview (SGF), Kelsey Keizer, Southwest Baptist University (Bolivar). Our hope is to open dialogue and look to the present and future on how we can make our attitudes and views better than the day before. 

This panel answered several questions from multiple areas (thank you for the ones that sent in questions).  Their answers serve as a powerful voice of understanding and guidance.  This is a great guide for coaching (employing/parenting) our young athletes and citizens. My thanks to these tremendous educators, excellent panel and we are grateful for their willingness to put themselves out there and represent themselves so well. 

Upper row: Kelsey Keizer, Southwest Baptist University; Justin Gerald, Hillcrest (SGF); Julia Wells, Drury University (SGF), Reggie Morris, Grandview (KC),

Lower row: Major Tad Peters, Springfield Police Department, Landon Cornish, Parkview (SGF), Tony Vashon (STL), Jeni Hopkins, Host

Next week: We continue this conversation and then host two veteran coaches for a little "out of the hat" conversation: Jay Osbourne and Todd Mercer. A Coach’s Perspective:

Tune in Wednesday night’s live from 6:00-7:00 pm on 99.9FM/96.9FM or on the Radio-Springfield app.

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