In episode #172, we welcomed Coach Michael Collins, Missouri State University Men’s Basketball, who gave us an update on the new Bears, Badges, and Kids initiative and the success of their inaugural outing.
Marty Marsh, Josh Scott
We then hosted two guests from Springfield Public Schools, Director of Athletics Josh Scott and Assistant Director of Athletics Marty Marsh. Right out of the gate we celebrated Marty’s latest achievement, earning the distinct title of Certified Master Athletic Administrator from the National Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association (NIAAA). Josh received his certification six years ago and continues to encourage his site administrators to pursue professional advancements and development. We celebrated all of the recent certifications in the district, also recognized: Rich Dameron, Brad Angel, and Jeremy Rios. We also discussed the valuable angle of hiring quality coaches and providing athletes and coaches with a meaningful and educational athletic experience. Thank you to all of these gentlemen for what they do in the name of educational athletics!
Next week, we will welcome some of the new inductees of the Springfield Area Sports Hall of Fame Class of 2020. Tune in and find out who is getting recognized for excellence in athletics!
Live on Wednesday nights, 6:00-7:00 pm on KWTO’s The Jock 98.7FM.
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