28.5 - Coaches Supporting Coaches


With every profession we need resources and support as we grow and develop.  To achieve longevity, it takes support from mentors and colleagues. The Missouri Basketball Coaches Association has launched a new support initiative for female coaches called 28.5 and tonight we explore how coaches, male and female, can support each other and encourage professional endurance. We speak with founder of 28.5 Cori Elms (current MBCA Class 2 State Champion and Coach of the Year) from East Buchanan and discuss the mission and logistics of this new program. 

We were then joined by a coaches panel to talk about the initiative and how they support one another, all coaches and professions can relate. My thanks to the panel:

Keri Nichols, Parkview High School

Jenny Talbert, Fair Grove High School

Caitlin Lamberth, Springfield Central High School

Katie Pritchard, Waynesville High School

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Next week – we celebrate 200 shows for A Coach’s Perspective with Ned Reynolds, Art Hains, and Don Louzader.

A Coach’s Perspective:

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