A Coach's Perspective airs on Wednesday nights from 6:00-7:00 pm on the ESPN affiliate The JOCK in Springfield, Missouri. You may also stream it live from the app RadioSpringfield. We are also an Apple iTunes Podcast and on Spotify. 

Episode 115 - April 3, 2019

Guests - Mike Keltner, Danita Moore

April 4, 2019 - Mike Keltner, Danita Moore
A Coach's Perspective - Officials and Tournament Time!

Our thanks to tonights guests - Danita Moore from St. Louis sharing her valuable insights on officiating today and what we need to do in order to retain quality officials. Her encouraging words were motivating to anyone interested in getting into the profession. Coach Mike Keltner gave us his preview and predictions of the NCAA Final Four Men’s and Women’s Brackets. We always appreciate his conversation and opinions. He always throws a good story (or two) into the chat! He is a machine of facts and trivia, so fun! Thank you, Coach Keltner!
